How many meters is the distance between smart street lights-ALLTOP-img

How many meters is the distance between smart street lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Recently, some media revealed that a lot of street lights have been newly installed in a village in Chang’an District, Xi’an. It was a good thing to install new street lights, but the distance to install these street lights is only a few meters. This 500-meter-long road is equipped with 80 street lights, each with a distance of 5 meters to 6 meters. Everyone said that the street lights are so densely installed and the latest solar street lights are used, which is a waste of resources. According to relevant regulations, the distance between street lights is generally about 30 meters on the roads with large traffic on urban roads. The installation distance of electronic smart street lights is also recommended to be around 25-30 meters.
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