How many employees in ALLTOP Lighting?
Zhongshan ALLTOP Lighting CO., LTD utilizes an abundance of technologies to generate high-quality goods. The business makes full use of their possibility of our highly competent workers to continuously enhance led supply . The exact direction of the organization's leaders, as well as the efforts of employees, have made ALLTOP.

We will continue to run from customers interests, launch new products to meet the needs of market and keep ahead in the industry. ALLTOP provides a wide range of solar traffic light for customers. The product design principle and the structure of led wall light have obtained national patents. Each finished product has passed TUV, KC, and EMC international certifications. The main character of the led canopy is that it has led surface mount canopy lights. It features strong concentrating performance and can give high brightness.

We adhere to the business philosophy of quality and innovation for our branded . Please contact.
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