Garden lamp manufacturers: What things should be paid attention to in garden lighting-ALLTOP-img

Garden lamp manufacturers: What things should be paid attention to in garden lighting?

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-24
1. To understand the fundamental purpose of garden lighting u003cbru003eThe purpose of lighting the courtyard is to enrich people's aesthetic sentiment and enhance the charm of the city's night scene. Therefore, the courtyard lighting project should reflect the three-dimensional sense of the courtyard through appropriate lighting techniques according to the characteristics of the courtyard, display the morphological characteristics of the courtyard with lights, and select lighting elements and appropriate lighting methods according to the characteristics of different courtyard structures. Object. The expression method combining illuminance and color gives people a sense of comfort and artistic appeal. u003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003e2. The lights should not interfere with the courtyard function u003cbru003eCourtyard lighting should avoid mutual interference caused by multiple lighting effects, nor interfere with the identification of various signal lights, to ensure the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the lights from shining on the river surface, so as not to affect the navigation of ships under the bridge and ensure the safety of ships. u003cbru003e u003cbru003eThree, we must do a good job in safety construction management u003cbru003eThe courtyard lighting construction, the traffic is heavy, the traffic volume is large, and the construction is seriously disturbed by the outside world. On the other hand, water flows under the courtyard, and the courtyard lighting is to install lamps on both sides of the courtyard. Therefore, the courtyard lighting project must do a good job in safety construction management.
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