Equipment manufacturing industry will continue to grow in 2014

by:ALLTOP      2020-01-10
2014 China equipment manufacturing still will keep smooth growth of basis and power further stabilization trend strong for the whole year is expected to equipment manufacturing value added with than Growth 12 about. Equipment manufacturing industry related to consumption and intelligence has maintained a good development trend in recent years, such as agricultural machinery, instruments and meters, robots, etc. , while investment equipment such as engineering has performed relatively poorly in recent years. In terms of scale, the equipment manufacturing industry generally has a development speed that is about twice higher than the GDP of the host country. The predicted development speed of 12 is relatively objective and will continue to be maintained for many years to come, in the future, the equipment industry will transform to products. In the short term, China should not strongly stimulate a single industry on a large scale. The industrial structure adjustment of the equipment manufacturing industry is imperative and there is a long way to go. April 2014 Mechanical Industrial Information Research Institute Strategy and Planning Institute of the 2013, China Equipment Manufacturing Industry Development Report of display 2013 National scale more than equipment manufacturing enterprises to achieve industrial added value with than growth 11. 03, of which, excluding computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing, the added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by about 11 year on year.
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