Electronics teach you how to choose street lamp controllers correctly-ALLTOP-img

Electronics teach you how to choose street lamp controllers correctly

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
At present, there are many street lamp controller manufacturers in China, and the product models are also diverse. The product quality is uneven. Many customers do not know how to choose. Today the electronics company tells you how to choose a suitable street lamp controller:
Street light controller is related to the life, brightness and stability of the street light management system.
First of all, we should consider the life of street light controller, because the life of street light controller will directly affect the life of street light. It is recommended to choose a big brand like electronic, which is more secure.
The street light controller should be a product that can be integrated with the street light control system. If the selected street light controller and the street light control system cannot be used in combination, it will not perform its due function. If you choose an electronic street light controller, it is recommended to choose an electronic street light control system. The relevant information of street lights can be collected through the system. Such as current, voltage, fault alarm, collecting power consumption and so on. Through the street lamp control system, on-demand lighting is also realized, the lighting time is scientific and reasonable, and the service life of the street lamp controller is prolonged, thereby further reducing the operating cost and improving the economic benefits. The combination of the street lamp controller and the street lamp control system also provides Can maximize our energy-saving goals.
Through the above description and comparison, I believe you should be able to get the answer you deserve.
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