Don’t let street lights become electric tigers, smart street lights are coming-ALLTOP-img

Don’t let street lights become electric tigers, smart street lights are coming

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Traditional street lights consume large amounts of electricity and high energy consumption has always been an obstacle to the green development of cities. Because the traditional street lamp uses the 200-watt high-power metal halide lamp, and the street lamp cannot adjust the brightness of a single lamp, it can only switch the lamp regularly, and the power consumption is very huge. At present, there are about 200 million street lights installed in my country. Assuming that they are turned on for 10 hours a day, 200 million lamps are 146 billion kWh a year; and the 26 units of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Hydropower Station, the largest hydropower station in my country, will be used every year The power generation is only 84.7 billion kWh. And the LED smart street lamp developed by our electronics company, the power of the LED lamp is only 100 watts, and the brightness is not inferior to the 200 watt metal halide lamp. The intelligent street lamp control system used by the smart street lamp adopts wireless intelligent control, which can remotely adjust the brightness of each street lamp, reducing the flow of people at night, and the brightness can be adjusted to 50% to achieve the purpose of energy saving. According to incomplete statistics, the use of electronic smart street light control systems can save more than 45% of electricity every year. Free consultation is welcome: 400-644-8329
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