Compared with traditional street lamps, what are the advantages of smart street lamps-ALLTOP-img

Compared with traditional street lamps, what are the advantages of smart street lamps?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Traditional street lights can also bring light to meet the basic lighting needs of pedestrians and moving vehicles. However, with the development of modern society, highway lighting is a basic demand, and there are still many aspects that need to be fulfilled. For example, can the quality of lighting be improved and the energy-saving effect is better. Can it make staff management more convenient? None of the above can be done with traditional street lights. But smart street lights can.
First of all, compared to traditional street lamps and smart street lamps, there is a difference in the quality of lighting. No matter what the situation, traditional street lights always turn on and turn off at a fixed time. Even the brightness of the light is the same. But smart street lights are different. Smart street lights are turned on and off according to actual lighting needs, and the brightness is also different. Therefore, the lighting quality of smart street lamps is higher than that of traditional street lamps.
Secondly, traditional street lights are not energy-saving, on the contrary they will waste a certain amount of energy. However, smart street lights can easily save energy and meet the needs of the current society for energy conservation and emission reduction. Because the smart street light realizes intelligent control, the light will be weakened or even turned off when it is not needed, thus reducing unnecessary waste. It is precisely because of this that smart street lights do not need long-term continuous high-load lighting, reducing losses and extending their life.
Finally, if the traditional street lamp is to be repaired, manual inspection is required. This process not only takes time, but also a lot of manpower and material resources. But the smart street lamp is different, it can realize remote monitoring, communication and control. In this way, the working efficiency of the staff is improved, and the maintenance of street lights is easier.

The above is about the comparison between traditional street lamps and smart street lamps. It can be seen that smart street lamps can meet the needs of modern highway lighting. I hope everyone will continue to understand the various performances of smart street lights and make better use of them.
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