Chinese LED enterprises are deeply engaged in the Southeast Asian market-ALLTOP-img

Chinese LED enterprises are deeply engaged in the Southeast Asian market

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-04
In recent years, many Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and other emerging markets have attracted the attention of many Chinese lighting enterprises, and their attention is even comparable to or exceeding that of Europe and the United States. On the way for Chinese enterprises to march towards the international market, compared with mature markets such as Europe and the United States, Chinese enterprises may have more opportunities to bypass trade barriers and other dangerous beaches in Southeast Asia, in this new continent, we have explored a fertile field that has not yet been opened up, and embarked on a development path of deep cultivation. How big is the cake? The International Energy Agency has predicted that with the continuous economic growth in Southeast Asia, regional energy consumption will double between 2020 and 2010. Energy conservation will thus become one of the issues of concern in the development of the region. European Chamber of Commerce Committee on sustainable development ( EuroChamSustainabilityCommittee) According to a report entitled 'Southeast Asia energy saving market potential, the energy consumption per unit of GDP in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore is 31 higher than that in the United States, 86 higher than that in Germany and Japan, and 123 higher than that in the United Kingdom. Energy conservation has become an urgent problem facing the region. In terms of energy-saving lighting, relevant data show that the total value of Thailand's lighting market in 2012 is about 2. 5%. US $0. 5 billion, of which LED accounts for about. It is estimated that by 2015, the penetration rate of LED lighting in Thailand will increase to more than 45; India's LED lighting market in 2012 is about 0. 1 billion US dollars. It is estimated that by 2015, India's LED lighting market will reach. $0. 7 billion, the annual compound growth rate will reach more than 40; According to 2011 announced by the Vietnamese government- According to the draft national urban development plan in 2020, the national urbanization level will reach 38 in 2015. In addition, the sales proportion of led TV in Vietnam increased from 20 at the beginning of the year to 66 at the end of the year in 2012, with a rapid growth rate. Deep cultivation and meticulous work: analysis of major market characteristics in Southeast Asia, Thailand: government projects, zero tariff, Thailand, as the second largest economy in Southeast Asia, its LED lighting industry is growing rapidly. At present, the Thai government is actively carrying out LED lighting projects, and the demand for LED has increased. At present, as long as Chinese LED enterprises obtain the certificate of origin in China, LED products can enjoy zero tariff when exported to Thailand, but light source products exported to Thailand must be verified by Thailand's certification system. In addition, the infrastructure of some remote local communities in Thailand has not yet developed, so LED companies can also consider exporting portable equipment such as LED emergency lights and flashlights to the country. On the one hand, the rapid start of Thailand's LED lighting market benefits from the unique energy-saving and environmental protection advantages of new LED light sources; on the other hand, the Thai government is also actively guiding and vigorously promoting the application of new LED light sources. Starting from 2011, the electric power bureau, the National Highway Department, the rural highway department and the promotion Administration Office of Thailand jointly promoted the use of LED bulbs to replace the original street lamps and lighting fixtures in public places. Driven by strong economic growth and the promotion of the government, the construction and renovation of stadiums, municipal plazas, road traffic, airports, campuses, supermarkets, banks, etc. are in full swing, thailand LED lighting market opportunities can be expected. India: The government subsidizes and rewards, and the international manufacturers are strong. Nearly 80 of the lighting products in India come from China. The Indian government is currently planning to increase the proportion of traditional lighting systems to LED lighting systems, the growth of its LED lighting market mainly comes from government projects, such as the replacement of LED street lamps. Orders from the government account for 51% of the total LED orders. On the other hand, non-domestic lighting such as downlights and industrial lighting is also accelerating the introduction of LED light sources. In order to promote the development of the LED industry, the Indian government has taken two measures. One is to include LED chip factories in the incentive regulations, so that operators can enjoy a refund subsidy of 20% of the construction cost, however, the initial investment should not be less than 50 million US dollars, which is applicable to both local manufacturers and foreign investors. The purpose is to encourage the establishment of semiconductor chip factories in India; Second, according to the official preferential market access policy, the government procurement case will provide 50% of the quantity to local LED related product manufacturers (Product value must be increased by 50). Indian lighting Society (ISLE)Chairman Gu Shan. Mr. Agger said that India's lighting power consumption accounts for 20% of the country's power consumption. The major users of LED lighting are government, commercial and industrial. Street lamps account for about 60% of the LED market. At present, most LED chips in India are still from Philips and Nichia, of which Philips has a market share of 65. 5% in the Indian lighting market. The blue chip market is also dominated by foreign manufacturers, including CREE, Nichia, Samsung and Osram. However, the products of Taiwan's Jingdian and Yiguang are also beginning to appear in the Indian market, however, the current share is still relatively low. Vietnam: the acceleration of urbanization will drive infrastructure investment. In the next ten years, Vietnam plans to invest a total of 60 million US dollars in the construction of roads, airports, ports and other public transportation networks. By 2020, the total investment of the old city renovation project will reach 90 million US dollars. The Vietnamese government is still working on plans to develop commercial projects such as hotels, vacations and other leisure and entertainment. Since the early 2011 s, the Vietnamese government has replaced old traditional lighting facilities with new energy-saving appliances. According to the plan, the usage rate of LED lamps in Vietnam will reach more than 50 after 2014. The acceleration of urbanization in Vietnam will greatly increase the demand for indoor and outdoor lighting products, thus ushering in a golden development period for the lighting market.
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