Can the situation of LED industry improve in 2014?

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-10
LED leading plant crystal the director Lee Byung Goo said investment guang jia 3rd season has surplus Crystal 3rd season industry also profit expected this year profit will than last year good next year will than this year good. Lee Byung goo today attend cross-Strait standard forum for an arcane said 3rd season single-season Gross profit margin and 2nd season; Investment of guang jia photoelectric self-June the has reached profit and loss two flat 3rd season single-season all season has by deficit go surplus even though the year zhuan kui wei ying have difficult but burden has relative reduce a lot, the overall profit performance of Jingdian will be better than last year. The 4th Season performance Li Ping jet to clarify before to everyone prediction 4th season will than 3rd season decline 15 to 20 refers to the IS industry prediction, however, he expects that although there is a low season, the decline should be lower than the industry, and the performance will be better than the industry. As for the outlook for next year, Li Bingjie believes that the overall industry will look bad next year, but it will be slightly better in the second half of the year. As the demand for lighting market continues to grow, it is estimated that the shipments of lighting chips will double this year next year, and this year's base period is lower. The company's profit performance next year should be expected to outperform this year. In response to the overall development of the LED industry, Li Bingjie estimates that the LED consolidation will come to an end from 2015 to 2016. It is expected that there will be two LED fabs in 2015 and three in the mainland. Jingdian itself has prepared funds for the vertical integration plan for the next three years.
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