Before 2017, all 21 cities and counties eliminated incandescent lamps-ALLTOP-img

Before 2017, all 21 cities and counties eliminated incandescent lamps

by:ALLTOP      2020-02-06
21 counties and cities across the country recently signed a farewell to incandescent bulbs. The proposal to light up a smart city will adopt modes such as contract energy management to speed up the implementation of green lighting transformation and eliminate incandescent lamps in the city by 2017, public institutions and large public buildings all adopt high-efficiency lighting products. Green Lighting held here (China-ASEAN) At the International Conference, China phased out incandescent lamps and accelerated the promotion of energy-saving lamps. The energy-saving service industry committee of the China Energy Conservation Association jointly issued a farewell to incandescent bulbs to the whole country. Highlight the smart city initiative and call on cities to speed up the elimination of incandescent lamps with practical actions. The meeting released the list of the first batch of pilot cities. This is a concrete measure to promote the road map for the elimination of incandescent lamps in China. In order to cope with climate change, more than a dozen countries and regions such as Australia, Britain and the European Union have successively issued roadmaps to eliminate incandescent lamps since 2007. In order to actively respond to the trend of the international community to eliminate incandescent lamps and further promote China's green lighting project, in 2011, China issued the 'announcement on gradually prohibiting the import and sale of ordinary lighting incandescent lamps' and decided to start from October 1, 2012, the import and sale of general lighting incandescent lamps are gradually prohibited in stages according to the power level. Among them, the third phase has banned the import and sale of 60-watt and above general lighting incandescent lamps since October 1, 2014. Lv Wenbin, deputy director of the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that through the implementation of the green lighting project in China, the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction is remarkable, resulting in an annual electricity saving of 32 billion kWh, the ability to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 24 million tons; The structure of the lighting industry has been significantly optimized, with the output ratio of energy-saving lamps and incandescent lamps increasing from 1: 1 in 2009 to 1. 1 in 2013. 28:1; The market share of high-efficiency lighting products has been continuously increasing, from 67 in 2009 to 85 in 2013. Jia Fusheng, director of the National Energy Conservation Center, said that China is a major producer and consumer of lighting products. The output of incandescent lamps in 2013 was 38. 0. 9 billion, accounting for about 1/3 of the total output; Energy-saving lamp output 41. 0. 6 billion, accounting for about 80 of the total output. If all the incandescent lamps in use are replaced with energy-saving lamps, it can save 48 billion kWh of electricity per year, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide by 48 million tons. The potential for energy conservation and emission reduction is huge.
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