Analysis of several major problems that need to be solved in the development of LED lighting industr

Analysis of several major problems that need to be solved in the development of LED lighting industry

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
Several major problems that need to be solved in the development of LED lighting industry analysis The development of LED lighting industry in the year is not smooth. 'Price warsThere are three important issues! (1) The homogeneity of products is serious, and the quality is uneven. Currently, the homogeneity of LED products is rampant, and it is mainly concentrated in the low-end. The positioning of this type of product itself is low, and it does not require a unique shape design and excellent lighting taste. The only advantage is that the price is lower, which caters to the general lighting needs of the general consumers. In addition, due to the low industry threshold, lamps can be put into the market after they are 'assembledIn 2004, the quality supervision bureaus in various parts of the country repeatedly announced the results of spot checks on LED lighting and light source controllers. Among them, batches of unqualified phenomenon appeared in many places, and some unqualified LED products are flooding the market. In order to compete for the market, enterprises use low-end products and sacrifice performance to reduce costs. The products are cheap and quality is not guaranteed. This has directly led to the phenomenon of uneven product quality and price confusion in the entire LED industry market. (2) There are a large number of companies and financing difficulties for small and medium-sized enterprises. There are about 10,000 companies in the domestic LED lighting industry. With the development of the LED industry, many companies in other industries have also begun to enter the LED industry, causing serious overcapacity and market competition. Further deteriorated. Excessive investment makes the LED industry oversupply, and many companies are in the middle and lower reaches of lower technical barriers. Excess capacity has triggered a vicious price war between companies, which has caused the downstream companies in the LED industry to continue to decline in product prices, and their profit margins have been compressed. At present, the gross profit margin of the LED industry is only around %, and the net profit is less than %. It is also an indisputable fact that SMEs have difficulty financing. Rising external costs have pushed up the demand for funds. In the case of inadequate funding, small and medium-sized enterprises have limited access to credit resources, and the degree of satisfaction of financing needs is low. Coupled with the weaker foundation of SMEs, the difficulty of obtaining loans has also increased. Even if the loan is received, the loan interest rises and the guarantee fee is too high, which makes SMEs unable to afford it. (3) Standards are in urgent need of improvement. The core intellectual property rights lack the LED industry to require standards to unify the market. However, my country is currently facing problems such as a sound standard system, inadequate implementation, and untimely updates. my country's LED standards are relatively scattered and one-sided, mainly focusing on safety and product performance. There are no standards for upstream industry LED chips, packaging, and technology to refer to. At the same time, the current standards cover fewer types of downstream application products. The development of standards in various regions is not balanced, and there are phenomena of overlap, duplication, and even inconsistency. Most of the LED standards are recommended standards, not mandatory, which leads to some companies' lack of attention to the standards and it is difficult to implement them. At the same time, with the rapid development of LED technology, some standard light effects can no longer adapt to the current technology. my country has become the world's largest producer and exporter of LED lighting products, but the lack of independent intellectual property rights, the lack of corporate awareness of profitability, the protection system is basically in a defensive state, and intellectual property issues are prominent. By the end of the year, there were about 10,000 intellectual property rights in the global LED field, of which more than 10,000 applications were made by China. However, 70% of all applications in China were in the application fields downstream of the industrial chain, and more than half of the core technologies Occupied by a few international companies. From the perspective of the types of brick-and-mortar applications, utility model brick-profit applications accounted for a relatively high percentage, reaching .%, while design-based brick-profit applications accounted for. The lack of core bricks and invention bricks is becoming a bottleneck restricting Chinese LED companies from going out.
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