Analysis of electronic smart street lamp solutions-ALLTOP-img

Analysis of electronic smart street lamp solutions

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Smart street lights are an entry point for Internet applications. It can connect the Internet with smart lighting, communications, security, environmental sensors, information release, and car charging piles to achieve multi-functional interconnection. The electronic innovative smart street lamp solution builds a solution framework for smart street lamps from the application layer, network layer, and device layer. Smart energy-saving lighting module, smart communication module-wireless data signal coverage, smart security module, smart information module-RFID monitoring, smart information module-smart city information platform, smart information module-smart traffic management, smart charging module - Integration of electric vehicle charging service systems. The main highlights of
's smart street lamp solution are smart management and secondary energy saving, with a maximum energy saving of more than 70%. Modular design, easy to combine and expand, saving cost and time. Multi-business integration to expand profit margins. All things are connected to create a smart city.
At present, electronic smart street lights have covered many cities such as Jiangxi, Guangxi, Henan and so on. Electronics launched a smart street light system for the global market in 2015. Up to now, Electronics has been preparing to study and deploy smart street lights pilot projects with more cities and local municipal enterprises.

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