60 billion indoor lighting scale becomes a difficult bone-ALLTOP-img

60 billion indoor lighting scale becomes a difficult 'bone'

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-20
For the Chinese LED industry, Zhongshan is a magical existence. When it comes to Guangdong LED, it will not fall into Zhongshan. As a considerable number of Zhongshan LED enterprises are still in a low-end competitive state and have low anti-risk ability, their technology research and development and application capabilities cannot compete with LED enterprises in cities such as Shenzhen. In the case of a big reshuffle, whoever changes quickly will have a chance to survive. How to improve the market image of LED enterprises in ancient towns and change the outside world's view that LED products in ancient towns have only low-end products is particularly important. The direction of the ancient town is very clear, and the development of our LED industry is mainly in the application field. Wei Hongrui, the mayor of the ancient town, said that the ancient town's idea of how to transform from traditional light sources to new light sources is very clear, that is, to vigorously develop LED applications, that is, how to apply LED lighting technology more widely in the field of indoor lighting. The price is gradually close to the people, and the competition in the LED terminal market has intensified. Since last year, LED applications have been promoted by relevant industrial policies and entered a period of large-scale development. In January 1 last year, the EU completely banned the sale of incandescent lamps. In February 17 last year, the National Development and Reform Commission and other six ministries and commissions jointly issued the 'semiconductor lighting energy-saving industry plan', which further clearly stated the development goals, main tasks and supporting measures of China's LED industry during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, it is also clear that it is necessary to promote the average annual growth of LED lighting energy-saving industry value by about 450 billion, reaching 180 billion yuan in 2015, of which LED industrial application products will reach 60 billion yuan, and the domestic sales scale of LED Indoor lighting will exceed yuan. Since 2014, the regulation scope of incandescent lamps in the United States, China, South Korea and Australia will be expanded from the existing industrial field to indoor lighting for residential use, the LED lighting market, which has been optimistic for many years, will gain greater development momentum, and those enterprises with international vision will gain more business opportunities. Although LED indoor lighting has ushered in a spring of development boosted by policies, according to the information monitored by Guzhen Lighting Price Index, lighting enterprises still have to face challenges from other fields. According to monitoring analysis, with the increase of light source inventory, the increase in raw material prices, labor costs, and logistics costs will plague the development of light source enterprises, and the production cost will directly increase by 20% to 30%. The real estate regulation and control policy has a direct impact on the lighting industry, but from the perspective of national policy and macro-economic operation environment, the regulation and control of the domestic real estate industry will not be relaxed in 2014, this means that the relevant lighting industry is still facing greater marketing resistance in 2014. Xiaobian has something to say: In the past, regardless of the Black Cat and the white cat, the business philosophy of being able to earn money is a good cat, Zhongshan LED enterprises feel that they are experiencing a recession, facing a reshuffle, and some enterprises will fall down, there will also be people standing out.
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