205 9 billion output value LED competing for dealer industry layout is difficult-ALLTOP-img

205. 9 billion output value LED competing for dealer industry layout is difficult

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-21
Statistics show that the number of domestic LED lighting enterprises has exceeded 10 thousand and the number of LED application enterprises is nearly 7000, and most of the senior talents of LED lighting enterprises have turned from traditional lighting enterprises because of the constraint of thinking mode, most of the market strategy adopts the layout of the terminal channel market, mainly to join the dealers. Some insiders predict that the LED industry will meet the tide of bankruptcy next year. After the investment boom and the price reduction, the domestic LED industry is entering a low-profit era. The output value of the LED industry will reach 205. 9 billion this year. Although the tide of price reduction has already struck, the investment heat of the LED industry remains unchanged. It is estimated that by the end of 2012, the total output value of the domestic LED industry will reach 205. 9 billion yuan. The report shows that the total number of MOCVD equipment in China was 803 in 2011 and 917 in 2012, an increase of 114. Although the investment in major equipment has accelerated, the domestic chip output value has only increased by 20 this year, while the price of Sapphire has fallen by 35 year-on-year, and the price of LED chips has fallen by 32 year-on-year. From the overall point of view of this year, the situation in the upstream field has actually improved, which is mainly due to the increase in the proportion of investment in downstream application fields in the second and third quarters, A large part of it comes from the investment transferred from traditional lighting enterprises to LED industry. Judging from the overall upstream investment situation, the growth rate of epitaxial wafer investment dropped from 46 last year to 10 this year, while the growth rate of downstream application investment was 21 last year and rose to 53 in 2012, therefore, the investment focus of the LED industry has shifted from upstream to downstream. It is difficult to compete for the distribution of dealers. At present, excellent dealers in various provinces in China are scarce resources and are still monopolized by traditional lighting enterprises. The second and third line lighting dealers are affected by the state's real estate regulation and control, and the days are even more difficult. As far as the Shenzhen market is concerned, since July this year, some dealers in various building materials markets have withdrawn one after another due to the failure of the capital chain, for example, the artists have withdrawn from 6 homes, and another one has withdrawn from 3 homes. The Huaqiang North LED procurement center has withdrawn an average of 2 homes per month. Obviously, when the national lighting dealers are facing the cold current in the market, traditional lighting enterprises and LED lighting enterprises have seized the terminal market one after another, and the result must be that most enterprises have died in the terminal channel. Since last year, LED export companies have fallen sharply due to orders, which have turned to domestic sales. For LED lighting enterprises, entering the terminal channel market is either to find a franchise dealer, or directly enter the terminal to open a brand direct store. However, it is very difficult to develop and join distributors. Most lamp distributors are more cautious in choosing LED lighting enterprises because the terminal market is full of LED inferior products, moreover, there is no enterprise that can really establish LED brand in the terminal market. It is difficult to provoke a price war to build a brand. At present, there are too many LED companies in the market. Some companies have provoked a price war and want to eliminate their opponents and successfully land on the beach. The more representative is mulinsen. The price of Jason's 3W bulb lamp to dealers is 8 yuan. The price of dealers selling at the terminal is about 14 yuan. The price of Jason's 3W bulb lamp is very close to the price of 5W energy-saving lamps on the market. It poses a threat to 5W energy-saving lamps. The battle for the terminal market around the lighting dealers has become more and more fierce. Rectangular lighting uses the method of sending display boards to pry open the dealer's door. As long as the dealer is willing to sell rectangular lighting products, the display boards will be sent and samples will be prepared. The dealer will not be required to press the inventory, and the sales will be delivered to the door. The advantages and disadvantages of government subsidies in the past few years, with the promotion of energy conservation and emission reduction policies, local governments have vigorously supported the development of LED industries and introduced many preferential policies for industries. Zheng Tiemin believes that many local governments make blind decisions, make many unrealistic grand plans, and throw out attractive preferential policies, including giving away land, factories, etc. , which attract many enterprises to invest, it is also an important reason for the overcapacity of the industry. However, different views also exist. The national government subsidy policy is a very effective means to promote the development of emerging industries. This model is not Chinese characteristics. Many foreign enterprises have been until now, they will also receive government subsidies. The government introduced subsidy policy, providing research and development subsidies and R & D investment subsidies to enterprises can not only promote the progress of new technologies, but also stimulate the market, form mass production, and promote the price reduction of raw materials, provide better support for the development of LED industry. The starting point of the government's subsidy policy for LED enterprises is to let a small number of enterprises drive the whole industry, pull a new growth point for energy conservation and emission reduction, and promote the development of LED industry in a better direction, there is no problem with the subsidy policy itself. The key is to see how enterprises can grasp and use the government's subsidy policy.
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