2017 market variable increase brand and knowledge property rights competition will leading led scree

2017 market variable increase brand and knowledge property rights competition will leading led screen industry

by:ALLTOP      2020-02-06
At present, conventional LED display products are gradually moving closer to scale and standardization. The products produced by various enterprises are similar. Only enterprises with cost advantages and scale advantages can win smoothly in the market competition, the cost advantage and scale advantage are usually possessed by large enterprises. If small and medium-sized enterprises want to break through and develop, they must innovate to innovate the market. If not, at present, conventional LED display products are gradually moving closer to scale and standardization, and the products produced by various enterprises are similar, only enterprises with cost advantages and scale advantages can win smoothly in the market competition, and cost advantages and scale advantages are usually possessed by large enterprises. If small and medium-sized enterprises want to break through and develop, they must innovate to innovate the market. If can't in technology the innovation that it in appearance, structure design on the innovation let product installation and maintenance up more simple convenient this a little in LED rental display on the Reflect have to compare the obvious. Brand is the intangible asset of an enterprise, and it is also an important weight in the future market competition. Any behavior that does not attach importance to and trample on its own brand is undoubtedly digging its own grave. At present, the manufacturing and R & D level of China's LED display screen has ranked the top in the world, but China's LED display screen brand is obviously missing in the world, which also calls for China's LED display screen enterprises to establish a good brand image, in order to gain a greater voice in international competition. Under the new situation and new pattern, LED display screen enterprises pay more and more attention to brand layout while paying attention to process design and product quality. Compared with the situation of patent piracy in the LED lighting industry, the LED display industry is calm. Despite this, the pace of patent layout of LED display screen enterprises cannot be slowed down. The so-called technology patentalization and patent productization, on the one hand, are not only protecting their own technology patents from plagiarism, on the other hand, in order to give themselves a greater competitive advantage, especially in overseas markets, the importance of patents is self-evident, and competent enterprises should carry out patent layout as soon as possible. The impact of many patent disputes in the industry in 2016 will continue until 2017, and even will directly rewrite the industry rules. Patent disputes and even patent wars between relevant enterprises will gradually start a prairie fire. In 2017, LED display technology represented by small spacing will also face strong challenges of Micro LED. Sony plans to officially mass produce Micro LED in 2017. If it can mass produce smoothly and form an advantage in cost, it will have a huge impact on the small-pitch LED market. If the LED display technology represented by small spacing is to cope with competition, on the one hand, it needs to continuously improve the technical weak links; on the other hand, it needs to fully distribute the advantages of LED, through full innovation and integration with new technologies such as 3D, holography and AR/VR, it has achieved incomparable advantages over other display technologies. In 2017, the LED display application industry will move forward in hope and challenge. Industry adjustment pace will in low interest operation era comprehensive accelerated price of cut tail factors maybe will become broke the camel of after a root straw New of round integration M & A Tide has in brewing in. Laugh at 2017 industry situation who will laugh after we will wait and see.
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