2016 China prohibits the import and sale of 15 watts and above-ALLTOP-img

2016 China prohibits the import and sale of 15 watts and above

by:ALLTOP      2020-01-16
Recently, Hua Shuming, director of the National Electric Light source quality supervision and inspection center and secretary general of the semiconductor lighting technology evaluation alliance, revealed that according to China's road map plan for eliminating incandescent lamps, in 2016, China will completely ban the import and sale of ordinary lighting incandescent lamps of 15 watts and above. By then, the proportion of LED lighting products in China will exceed half of incandescent lamps. For the energy-saving effect of LED lighting products, Hua Shuming gave an example at the press conference of 'China LED lighting standard internationalization and efficient lighting Forum: 'the brightness of a 3-watt LED lamp is equal to the brightness of a 5-watt energy-saving lamp and the brightness of a 25-watt incandescent lamp. In addition, the life of LED lamps is 25 times that of incandescent lamps and more than three times that of fluorescent lamps. At present, China is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of lighting products, of which the productivity of lighting products in China accounts for about, and it is also the production base of LED lighting products. With the promotion of the concept of green lighting, as of 2013, 50 countries have eliminated or are eliminating incandescent lamps, involving of the world's population. Since China started the green lighting project in 1996, the elimination process of incandescent lamps has gradually accelerated. However, due to the high cost of LED lighting products, it currently accounts for only of China's lighting products.
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