2015 1-Ranking of LED lighting brands and products on Baidu hot search list in August-ALLTOP-img

2015 1- Ranking of LED lighting brands and products on Baidu hot search list in August

by:ALLTOP      2020-01-07
Baidu Index, which is well known and used by most professionals, is used to reflect the network exposure rate and user attention of keywords in the past period of time. It has become an important basis for many enterprises' marketing decisions since its release date. Today, let's take a look at Baidu Index, look at some keyword searches on the lighting search list, and analyze the user's needs and the user's attention to lighting. Hot search list on lighting: several established lighting enterprises occupy the top three, looking at 2015- In August, NVC Lighting, Foshan Lighting, Opal lighting, sunshine lighting and LED lighting occupied the top five places in the list. Among them, lighting design occupies 7th place, lighting lamp ranks 11th place, lighting lamp ranks 14th place. 2015 1-The hot search list presented by Baidu Index in August. However, among the rising search terms, lighting and lighting, although lagging behind in the current search list, have each become the rising search terms at a rate of 334. Editor's summary: the well-known lighting brand enterprises have a good reputation among netizens. Perhaps it can also be explained that consumers pay more attention to brands when buying lighting products, and brands become an important determinant that affects consumers' purchase of products. And now, with the improvement of people's living standards, more and more attention is paid to lighting and lighting. 2011- On 2015, the thermal search of lamps and lighting was analyzed in 2011- Current search for lighting in 2015. From 2011- On 2015, regarding the search for lighting, it can be seen that the user's search for lighting is basically stable except for some special cases that are unusually high. Its search weight index is basically 230-576. 2011-The current search for lights on 2015. From 2011- On 2015, we can see that users' search for lamp keywords has gradually increased. Its index gradually increased from an average of about 1078 to an average of about 1779. Editor's summary: In order to see the Exponential response, we also used other keywords in 2011-The search situation in 2015 was compared. We found that the key to users' preference for life, such as eating and lighting, is the obvious increase in the degree of search, while the key words for education, which were relatively flat in the past, increased significantly in 2015. However, fashion search has always maintained a high index state and has been in a search index state of more than 2000. Perhaps it can be explained that with the improvement of people's life, more and more people begin to pay attention to the outline of quality of life and have more requirements for lamps. Note: Baidu Index, which has been used by many monitors to provide reference data, has also been controversial about whether its data are official and fair. However, I believe that such data can also provide some reference for the industry that continues to urgently need to think about consumer psychology and user needs.
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